Wednesday, 7 September 2011

What is my Learning Style?

According to a learning style quiz that I completed, my top result showed that I am an interpersonal learner. I was far from surprised after being presented with this result as it is the style that I would use when describing myself. An interpersonal learner is one who is able to learn and work best in a group scenario working with two or more other group members. Interpersonal skills are greatly important in many fields of work, but none moreso than my desired field, business. This past summer I was fortunate enough to work for the Wealth Management Project Delivery department of Scotiabank. In my role I was even more fortunate to work with a number or great people who granted me the responsibility of filling in as a project leader while the regular leader was on vacation. The main skill needed for this field of work is most definitely interpersonal skills because I was constantly working with other members of the team to get updates and resolve problems via meetings, teleconferences, and e-mail. In the future I have a strong desire to improve upon my interpersonal skills using a variety of new media such as blogs, videos, advertisements, etc.

The results also showed that apart from being an interpersonal learner I am also a Bodily/Kinesthetic learner. This result too was no surprise to me as I am an extremely active person and love to engage in almost any type of excercise or sport. To the utter dismay of many teachers, I regularly engage in my sometimes obnoxious tendency of "fidgeting" in class; whether it is by tapping my feet on the floor or clicking a pen I am always moving, especially when stuck in thought. A Bodily/Kinesthetic learner is one who is able to learn and work to the best of their ability while engaging their body in the task at hand. This learning skill is most relateable to me due to my love of being active. When I was younger I played a number of sports, but there is always one that stands out in my mind. A number of years ago I tried out for a football team and much to my great enjoyment I not only made the team but became the starting runningback. This was a dream that was alsmost cut short after experiencing a couple of concussions in my first season. However, I did come out of the season with something other than mild brain injuries; I won offensive MVP. This event only lead me further on in my football career, but in my second season I made a brazen step up to the higher league playing with bigger, faster, older, and stronger players. It was in this year that I got my last concussion which forced me to hang up my pads for good...Looking on the bright side of this experience I found that I am able learn and work well when I am moving. This was especially evident in the case of learning new football plays by actually running them.

One of my goals for this course is to further educate myself on how I can use my Interpersonal and Bodily/Kinesthetic learning skills through a variety of new media such as the internet, video, advertisements, etc to achieve the greatest results possible. Another goal, which is a continual goal of mine, is to further strengthen my Interpersonal skills by working together in groups. This class is perfect for this goal as it was previously stated that the majority of work will be completed in groups. As for a strategy for accomplishing my goals, I will continue to bring my unyielding work ethic and eagerness to learn to all assignments that face me. In order to ensure that I am doing what is required of any of my work I wont't hesitate to seek further clarification or to have work reviewed before the due date. Furthermore, I will always look to place myself in a group that I will be able to work best in; not neccessarily one with my best friends in the class. Although this is an early strategy I believe it is one that will yield strong results. One of my favourite quotes is quite relevant to this topic. Steve Prefontaine who was an Olympic runner once said "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift". This quote resonates strongly with me in regards to all aspects of my life.

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