Saturday, 22 October 2011

Mis(s )representation

Surprisingly, this video is of great relevance to me for two reasons; the first being that, I had watched the video days before being instructed to and thought that it would be the perfect video to show the class. The second reason is that, believe it or not, I was actually thinking about a few of the more salient issues that arose. I say surprisingly due to the fact that I am of male gender and by default I am the target gender of the cause of the issues discussed in the video. It’s unfortunate, but safe to say that males are the driving force behind all of the issues. The reason that I was thinking about some of these issues was based on the idea that this can’t be all there is to life.

One of the main issues discussed is the objectification of women; the fact that the media uses women as objects to sell products, services, and most shockingly, ideas. “Girls get the message form very early on that what’s most important is how they look, that their value, their worth depends on that, and boys get the message that this is what’s most important about girls; we get it from advertising, we get it from films, we get it from TV shows...” This statement is unfortunately as true as it is unfortunate. I believe this sole statement can be explained as the root cause of the problem as it creates a cycle where each generation learns these messages and passes them on to the next.

In the video, it is stated that media is shaping our children’s brains, lives, and emotions. I believe that this is referring to my generation and I totally agree. In todays, media hungry society everything is learned through the media; especially social media. This is resulting in a reach that has never been seen before due to the fact that an estimated one billion people use the internet every day. In my opinion, these messages will not only continue, but become increasingly controversial and destructive unless all of the issues and problems discussed in the video are solved. From a male perspective, I found this video to be both quite insightful and eye-opening.  

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