Zach- Co-director – video, radio
Kwesi- Technical Producer – video, radio
Vikram- Co-director – video, radio
Michele- Graphic Designer – print ad
The work that I did for this advertising campaign can be segmented into the different sides of the campaign. These different sides consist of the video commercial, radio advertisement, and the presentation.
1. How do you feel about the title you were given and how well you did your job in this project? Give specific examples of your experience.
For this project, there were a number of different roles that I played. My main role for the video was co-director with Vikram. I feel very good about this role because I am a bit of a perfectionist and did not stop until the video was the best that it could be. This resulted in the meticulous frame-by-frame direction of the video. I felt that my role in the commercial advertisement was a success due to the fact that I worked for many hours and was very happy with the final product. Another example of why I felt that the video was a success was the fact that our group shared mutual feelings of success about the video and it was well-received by the class.
For this project, there were a number of different roles that I played. My main role for the video was co-director with Vikram. I feel very good about this role because I am a bit of a perfectionist and did not stop until the video was the best that it could be. This resulted in the meticulous frame-by-frame direction of the video. I felt that my role in the commercial advertisement was a success due to the fact that I worked for many hours and was very happy with the final product. Another example of why I felt that the video was a success was the fact that our group shared mutual feelings of success about the video and it was well-received by the class.
For the radio advertisement I worked as co-director again with Vikram, as well as having a speaking part. The radio commercial was much easier to direct than the video as there were just voices, music, and sound as opposed to actual video and sound effects. This sole reason made me feel that I did a great job as co-director of the radio advertisement. As far as the speaking part went, it took a number of takes to get the right intonation of words and timing to fit in with the rest of the commercial. However trying it may have been, I completed my part and I felt that my role in the radio advertisement was a success.
Next time I would like to have an agenda or schedule created to ensure that good time management principles are used at all times and to ensure that we keep on track. This is an important lesson to learn going forward. The project did not suffer at all because of our occasional ill-use of time; however, the time it took to arrive at the same results would be drastically reduced.
2. How did you contribute to this project? Give at least two specific examples.
2. How did you contribute to this project? Give at least two specific examples.
I contributed to this project in a number of ways. First and foremost, when our group mutually decided against our previous product decision I thought of the new product, the Hydra-patch and the tag-line “Don’t Stop”.
I contributed to the video by working as co-director in the production of the video. I also made a cameo appearance and helped with the filming of the other members’ scenes. As co-directors, Vikram and I worked meticulously to make sure the video came together in a way that allowed for our intended message to be delivered. As an example, our team worked together on the video for over 8 hours straight on a Saturday. I appeared in the video as an athlete weight-training in the school gym which was one of the more fun parts in the creation of the video.
My contributions to the radio ad consisted of co-directing production, as well as having a speaking part. The radio ad was much easier to direct than the video because the radio ad was more simplistic in terms of the idea as it was just audio, instead of audio and visual like the video. The speaking part was quite trying due to the number of takes it took to get the right emphasis on keys words and timing to successfully complete the commercial.
I also had a minor contribution to the print ad in which I posed for a picture as part of the male “Team Hydra-patch”.
Next time I would like my group to outline specific roles and the specific tasks that fall under each of them. This is important because each group member will always knows what they should be doing at each stage of the project. In our group we did not do this at the outset of our project which did not really serve as a major problem as each member eventually fell into a role and found success. However, if this is done it reduces the possibility of confusion or lack of organization within the group dynamic.
3. How do you feel about the contributions from other members of your group and the division of labour for the project?
I feel satisfied about both the contributions and division of labour for the project as each member was serious about successfully completing the project to a high degree. Our group contributed to the project in a way that ensured that each of us felt that it was a success. We were all meticulous in our specific roles and contributions.
Next time I would like each member to have set roles to ensure that each member knows what is expected of them and we don’t have to end up falling into roles while working on the project.
4. When it comes to dealing with differences of opinion within your group.
I was very fortunate to work with like-minded group members in which there were next to no differences of opinion. The fact that no issues arose was quite surprising looking back because we worked together for very long hours at a time. In most cases this scenario would have spelled disaster, but for us, it did not.
Next time if there are any differences of opinion within the group dynamic they will be maturely and calmly handled. If however, as a group we cannot resolve our differences our issue may have to be escalated or we may have to play with the idea of breaking up as group.
5. In dealing with group members who were not fulfilling their responsibilities.
This question may be exempt because each group member fulfilled their responsibilities to a more-than satisfactory degree.
Overall, I would rate our group's ability to stay on task as:
Very Good
Overall, I would rate our group's ability to be open, respectful, and communicative as:
Overall, I would rate our group's ability to use the strengths of all our members as:
Very Good
Overall, I would rate our group's ability to be open, respectful, and communicative as:
Overall, I would rate our group's ability to use the strengths of all our members as:
How successful is your project? Give specific examples for your reasons.
Our group’s project was very successful for three reasons: 1. Our group was able to overcome a quite substantial hurdle at the outset of our project. This obstacle was first, thinking of a product and then having to re-think our product when we decided that it was not a successful idea. 2. As a group we were surprisingly like-minded and all had a similar work ethic. We all agreed on what would make the project a success and what would result in failure. Also, we all had similar expectations in terms of grades that we wanted to receive which resulted in a strong work ethic. 3. Finally, each member of the group had specific skills that were highly useful to the success of the project. For example Vikram and I share strong leadership and communication skills, while Kwesi has a lot of experience in editing movies and audio files, and Michele is quite skilled in Photoshop.
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